Giving people confidence during Covid
Spark Foundry
Client: Asda
This gave customers a window of opportunity to shop with a competitor. We needed something that would retain customers by offering them an alternative way to shop. This ‘something’ was Click & Collect (C&C). Asda offered a contactless C&C service, which gave customers flexibility to pick up their order at a time that suited them. It also gave them peace of mind knowing they could make a contactless collection. Switching from a delivery focused strategy to a C&C led one presented us with 3 key questions. How do we put customers at ease and affirm that C&C is a viable alternative option? How do we pull off a change in KPI and conversion goal with minimal impact on campaign performance? How do we make sure we offer customers services that are available in their local area? Our approach was underpinned by 3 tactics: Changing mindsets through messaging Accelerate KPI change with the use of Advanced Machine Learning Offer local availability through a custom JavaScript system We beat our C&C orders target by 90% and achieved a conversion rate 113% higher YoY, despite having less slot availability.